My card game line-up experienced a bit of a shake-up these past weeks. Shadowverse is about to get a new expansion + the mini expansion didn’t do toooo much for me, so I’ve been slowing down on that. I’ve stopped playing YGO almost completely since I see what the meta will be in a very short while. Luckily, Marvel Snap came in just at the nick of time to fill the card game shaped hole in my heart.

Snappin’ on em.

Marvel Snap is pretty straightforward. You get a 12 card deck, open with 3 cards, and draw a card + gain 1 energy(mana/play point) every turn. You and your opponent simultaneously play yoru cards at locations, hoping to take advantage of your own cards abilities in conjunction with the locations’ abiltities to end up with a higher total point score at at least 2/3 of the locations available. You play for cubes, winning 2 if you win the game, winning 1 if your opponent retreats, losing one of if you retreat, and losing 2 if you lose. If you snap and your opponent doesn’t immediately retreat, these double, and they double again if your opponent snaps.

What I love about Marvel Snap the most right now is how fast the games go in combination with how quickly I get into another match. Even if I get hoed by some bullshit cards like Leader , I don’t have to dwell on it at all because I’m in another game in a few seconds.

If you wanna get into Marvel Snap, 2 helpful websites would be Marvel Snap Zone and , a meta trakcing website and a card database, respectively.

Lockjaw Discard

Lockjaw Discard
My current Discard deck

The deck I love the most right now is Discard. As an Infernity player in YGO, this archetype just calls to me. My current build wants to abuse Lockjaw’s effect to run through multiple Discard effects to either get a bunch of copies of Swarm in my hand to push advantage or power up my Apocalypse to drop on turn 6 and win a lane. It’s really fun and has some absolutely disgusting high-rolls. It’ll get even better once I get Colleen to guarantee Swarm discards.

Goodstuff Devil Dino

Goodstuff Devil Dino
My current Dino deck

Another deck that has put a lot of work in for me has been Devil Dino. This deck is kinda the opposite of Discard. I want to use cards like Agent 13 , Sentinel , White Queen and Moon Girl to keep my hand size strong so I can drop a big ole Devil Dino and win the game. It’s also just a pile of good value cards, with cards like Aero , Shang-Chi , and Thor to help generate value and close out games. I call it GOAT Format because, like decks from that format of YGO, it’s just a pile of good cards, honestly.

Ongoing Destroyer

Ongoing Destroyer
My current Ongoing deck

Ongoing is a very straightforward and budget-friendly deck, being comprised primarily of cards from pools 1 & 2. It’s just a pile of good cards with ongoing effects, looking to play good value cards and eventually play Destroyer to close out, him winning a lane by himself, while Armor and Professor X protect your other lanes from his effect. Spectrum is an alternate turn 6 drop to buff all my other cards and win that way. Rogue has been a very clutch tech card in this deck so far.


My current Patriot deck

This deck looks to power up vanilla cards like Misty Knight and tokens summoned off of Ultron using the effects of cards like Patriot and Blue Marvel to overwhelm the opponent with pure power.

Domino Goodstuff

Domino Goodstuff
My current Domino deck

As you know from my Marvel post this year, I love Domino . It was only natural that I play a deck that uses her. Domino is a slept on card in Snap. Her effect guarantees you a play on turn 2, meaning you don’t really need to play other 2 drops in your deck. I built this deck to play into that idea, with Domino being my sole 2 drop and all my other cards being useful cards for turns 3 and onward. I pulled Dr. Doom , so of course I’m playing him, and I’m just playing a bunch of good cards in between. It probably needs some more tampering, but I’m pretty sure I can make this even better once I get some more cards…whenever that is.

What A Wonderful Theater

Branded Despia
My branded Despia build in MD atm

Before I stepped back from YGO, I was having a lot of fun with Branded Despia. This deck is essentially fusion turbo, looking summon powerful cards like Mirrorjade, the Iceblade Dragon and Guardian Chimera . My build tries to be pretty balanced. Instead of hand traps, I focused on playing cards that would help me go 2nd/extend my plays. I have Frightfur Patchwork to help give me ways to fuse in case my Branded Fusion gets negated and to help me hard summon Guardian Chimera when I go 2nd. I also play Triple Tactics Talent to punish my opponent for negating my effects. Imperm rounds it with some effect negation. Despia already has a good going 1st, so I wanted stuff to help go 2nd since Master Duel is best of 1 and I can’t guarantee that I go first.

Very fun deck that makes use of my favorite summoning mechanic.

Celestial Dragonblade

Shadowverse’s lastest expansion at the time of writing is Celestial Dragonblade, although a new one is dropping at the end of the month.

Evo Rally
Evo Rally

I started off playing quite a bit, but fell off. Still rocking Dirt Rune and Rally Sword, although the latter has a bit of rebuilding to do going into this new expansion.



I’m definitely playing the hell outta Marvel Snap going forward. Game’s too fun. Shadowverse has an expansion at the end of the month, so if Dirt and Rally look good, I’ll play more often. For Yugioh, it’s just a question of when the current meta passes rather than do I wanna play; this will probably be a while, though.