I’ve been playing Dinomorphia a lot, even more than before. I’ve taken to properly playing full matches on YGO Omega ranked and thinking over my card choices. Decided to make a post going over the cards and my thought process in more detail. I don’t necessarily think my build is super special, but it’s definitely mine and I have a lot of fun running it.

Monster line-up

1x Miscellaneousaurus - The 1-of Misc. Misc serves the dual purpose of making Fossil Dig not a dead draw and offering protection for my monsters against some annoying stuff. He’s not perfect, but he can definitely save the day by protecting Rexterm from stuff like Bigfoot, Grapha, Chalice, etc. His graveyard effect does not come up very often, but it’s there and can get me to another Therizia if I really need her, and that can potentially get me to a rank 4 xyz play. It’s not why I run him, but it can be useful. I like him in the deck.

3x Dinomorphia Therizia - The deck’s normal summon. Therizia gets me to any Dinomorphia trap, preferably a fusion trap unless I already have both or one with a way to protect it from negation. Her floating effect to go into Diplos and her attack boost on summon when I’m at 2K or lower LP are clutch. Great card.

2x Dinomorphia Diplos - Engine requirement, but not a bad card at all. Diplos is mainly here because I need another Dinomoprhia monster for fusion summons, but he can act as a way to get to Therizia if I open him with something like Brute or Sonic. If I have to summon him, I usually dump Therezia or Sonic. Again, not a bad card, but I definitely don’t want to open with him. His burn effect is not a lifesaver or anything, but is useful. He floats into Therizia, and that’s obviously good for the deck. Solid card.

And that’s it! Not a lot of monsters here, which isn’t that strange for a trap deck. Obviously, if we ever got another main deck Dinomorphia monster, it’d go up a tiny bit, but until then, this is the ratio I’m comfortable with in a pure build.

Spell Line-up

2x Fossil Dig - Fossil Dig is here to get me to Therizia if I did not open her or Misc if I did, simple as that. Not once per turn at all, so if they Ash it for some odd reason, I can just use the other one. Getting to a fusion trap is a huge priority for this deck, so a card that can get me to a card that can get me to one is clutch. A lot of people prefer Pot of Prosperity, but one card I really wanna use kinda makes that a dead idea, so Dig it is.

3x Pot of Duality - The special summon lock quite literally does not matter most of the time, so this is just a dig 3 with no consequence for this deck a lot of the time. Can potentially get me to Therizia or a fusion trap. good card.

1x Called by the Grave - Not gonna lie to you, folks, this is a good card, but I only play it because Ash fucks this deck over. It comes up clutch in other situations, obviously, but it’s primarily here to stop Ash. it does the job well.

That’s it for the spells.

Trap Line-up

Dinomorphia Traps

3x Dinomorphia Domain - The OG fusion trap. In convenience, it’s outclassed by Frenzy, but after that initial play of getting Kentragina and Rexterm on the field, this is way better in my eyes. Fusion from Hand, Field, and Deck is crazy, and can help dodge some targeted effects on my cards. I can still get to Rexterm just fine if I only open this, I just don’t get Kentregina with him. Great card, and I’d say pretty underrated now that Frenzy exists.

3x Dinomorphia Frenzy - The win-con trap. If I have to choose a fusion trap to open with, it’s this one. This dumps from extra deck and deck , meaning I can instantly go into Rexterm, although that is not necessarily the ideal play every time. The usual play is dump Stealthbergia and Diplos to make Kentregina and then use her effect to banish this and copy the effect to dump those two again for Rexterm, getting me two big boss monsters and putting me at 2K LP. It’s not too strong in later turns since I usually get my other Therizias, but that’s what Domain is for. Amazing card.

2x Dinomorphia Alert - Monster Reborn. Gets me either a fusion or my two main deck monsters. This card is especially clutch when Super Poly is popular. People love to super poly Rex and/or Kent away into Starving Venom and some other Super Poly targets, and this card gets them right back for me. This card also sets up rank 4 plays. I just use it during the opponent’s end phase to revive Therizia and Diplos and make Dolkka/Laggia/Raider’s Knight on my own turn.

2x Dinomorphia Brute - Non targeting pop is too good. I get to destroy anything the other guy has and trigger a Dinomorphia floating effect at the same time. Like with Domain, this is also has some use in dodging some annoying effects. For example, if they try to imperm my Kentragina effect, I can flip this to Pop Kentregina, still get her effect, and then revive Therizia or Diplos.

2x Dinomorphia Sonic - Spell/Trap negate, and like Brute, triggers floating effects. This is the best counter trap the archetype has. It can be pretty clutch, especially since it’s not like counter traps are super popular, so this usually resolves no problem and lets me stop an important spell/trap from my opponent. It also serves the purpose of protecting me from battle damage.

Other Traps

2x Ferret Flames - A normally useless card that becomes the strongest board wipe ever in this deck. This card is hilarious to resolve and gets around a lot of protection because it makes the opponent do an action rather than try to do something to the monsters directly. I reguarly get to like 500 LP, so my opponents usually don’t get to keep a single monster. It’s not necesssary at all, but this is the deck that can make the best use of it. An angel gets its wings every time I use this, I swear.

3x Gravedigger’s Trap Hole - More Ash Blossom hate! That’s really it. It has come up clutch against decks like Swordsoul and Dark World, where they have hand/graveyard effects that could get rid of Rexterm, but it’s mainly here to say “fuck you” to Ash. It does the job well. It’s not necessary, but I’ve been hit by Ash too many times to leave it to chance.

3x Infinite Impermanence - Only handtrap I run, main or side. Imperm is just a good yugioh card. That’s kinda all there is to it.

2x Terrors of the Overroot - My pet card. This card is like a more flexible IDP . I get to put an important combo piece or some annoying backrow into the grave and replace it with something like a handtrap or something that had a hard once per turn. Pretty underrated card, if you ask me. It has definitely had its heroic moments for me. I like it a lot.

3x Solemn Judgment - The OG omni negate. The old man has obvious synergy with this deck. This card isn’t needed all the time, but it halves LP and does something useful every time I flip it. I can’t knock it at all. It’s kinda dead going 2nd, so I usually side it out, but this thing is godlike going first, and still pretty godlike going 2nd when I’m against other backrow decks since Sonic is once per turn.

3x Solemn Strike - I said Judgment wasn’t required, but this for sure is. This is the ultimate protector for the fusion traps, stopping whatever the fuck they were trying to do it and makes my LP even lower. it can end up dead later on, but that can be remedied by making Stealthbergia.

That rounds out the main deck! 40 cards even.

The Extra Deck

The Dinomoprhias

3x Dinomorphia Kentregina - The OG boss monster for this deck. The lower my LP, the stronger she gets. Her ability to copy trap effects in grave is very clutch. She gets me double pops with brute, double Monster Reborn with Alert, and double of either fusion trap. She does it all while being a big beater who floats on destruction. Love her to death.

3x Dinomorphia Stealthbergia - The defensive boss. Stealthbergia is usually just fusion Material for Rex, but he can come in clutch himself with burn damage and making Strike live when my LP are under 2000.He’s like the 6th man off the bench- we don’t always see him, but we love him when we do.

2x Dinomorphia Rexterm - The big man on campus. Rexterm is the deck’s win condition. Stopping the other guy’s monsters from even activating their effects is godlike. He can protect the other monsters in battle with his quick effect to lower opposing monsters’ attack and floats into any other Dinomorphia when he’s destroyed. He can win games by himself. I was on 3 of him, but the 3rd does not come up a lot, so I’m on 2.

The XYZ Package

1x Evolzar Dolkka - Clutch Rank 4 that’s easy to make with any of the monsters in the main deck. 2 non once per turn negates on any monster effect is clutch, especially when trying to protect Rexterm.

1x Evolzar Laggia - Same as his brother, an accessible rank 4 with a clutch effect. He’s basically a mini Solemn Judgment on legs, and that’s always good.

1x Raider’s Knight - How to climb into Arc Rebellion. Therizia and Diplos are dark, so he’s easy to make.

1x Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon - Game closer. This guy combos way too well with Rexterm. Make this guy, Rexterm effect to lower attack, swing for game. Hitting the other guy with the good ole One Punch Man is hilarious. 10/10 card. If I see I can end the game with him, I do.

Ultimate Slayer Targets.

1x Elder Entity N’tss - The fusion target. Popping a card once she hits the grave is too godlike to pass up. I was on Garura for a bit, but I like this card more since it helps actively break the opposing board.

1x Wind Pegasus @Ignister - The Synchro target. He gets me a really good punish should they destroy any of my cards.

1x Tri-Brigade Ferrijit the Barren Blossom - The Link target. her effect is just really nice. Being able to put a Diplos back into the deck for Frenzy or replace a redundant card with a different one is pretty good.

If I have to send an xyz monster, I send whichever of the Evolzars is less likely to be useful in the mu. Sending either of Raider’s Knight or Arc Rebellion kills the purpose of the other, so I try avoid sending one of those.

The Side Deck

2x Alpha, the Master of Beasts - Big boi that jumps outta my hand and can bounce an opponent’s monster? Sign me up! Pank is at 1, so this guy is essentially my 2nd and 3rd copies of him. A free 3K beater just because I went 2nd is pretty sick.

1x Dinowrestler Pankratops - Free my boy Pankratops, Konami. Jumps out of my hand going 2nd and can pop a card as quick effect. Clutch as hell. Free my boy.

3x Lava Golem - “That’s a nice board you got there”. I was on Gamaciel for a hot minute, but this guy can deal with more problems and since the win condition of the deck is just setting the fusion trap, I can get hands where the normal summon lock is not a problem in the slightest.

1x Harpie’s Feather Duster - OG backrow hate.

2x Heavy Storm Duster - Backrow hate.

3x Rivalry of Warlords - My only floodgate trap. I was on 2 of this and two of Gozen , but I decided to just go with three of this since it seems more live vs more decks in this current curent game environment. A really funny thing to do is drop Lava Golem on my opponent and then flip this during standby. The only downside is this card locks me out of my Xyz monsters, and without HSD, i don’t have any way to get rid of it myself. It is what it is. This card does its job really well.

3x Ultimate Slayer - My favorite side deck card. This is just a funny ass card to me. One of the best forms of removal + I get bonus effects if I send the right monster. I send N’tss and pop a card. I send Wind pegasus and punish them for destroying my stuff. I send Ferrijit and do a bootleg magical mallet. I really like this card and wish I had more space for targets for it. It is really good for going into boards against just about any deck. This card is always live unless it’s something like Avramax, That ignister monster, or Dragoon. Love it to death.


And that’s the deck! I really enjoy playing this deck, and trying to make it better has been a lot of fun. The build will probably go through more changes, but this is what I’m rocking online rn. It can struggle against decks that rely on in hand/graveyard effects for disruption, but otherwise performs well against the field in my experience. Of course, Ash on a fusion trap is the worst case scenario, but that’s why I’m on like 7 cards that can help them resolve.

I do wish I could fit in Dinomorphia Shell and Dinomorphia Reversion in, but they can be a little impractical to run sometimes, so I stick to playing them in more casual settings.

Current Dinomorphia Build