My Linux Journey

Back around 2015, I decided to switch off Windows. I was in a Simulation & Animation class and we had been exposed to a bunch of free & open-source software like Blender and GIMP . And as I kept looking into these programs, I kept seeing references to Linux, and eventually decided to install it on my laptop. I didn’t have any particularly deep reasons for switching. Linux gives a lot of advantages, from playing nice with older hardware to giving you complete freedom from Windows Updates.

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Starting Up a Home Server

Recently, my laptop and its charger went on the fritz, so I decided to pivot from using it as a 2nd machine to using it as a server of sorts. Same deal with this blog, I took this as an opportunity to learn new things while getting something out of it. Also, a moment of respect for that laptop. From like 2018 to basically 2 weeks from the time of writing, it held me down like no other.

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